
Common Name


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Ingredient Class

Core Ingredient

Used in

A high percentage of Simply Bee Products.

Interesting Fact

An interesting fact about honey is that it’s a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air into the skin, keeping it hydrated and soft. This makes it an ideal ingredient in many of our skincare products. At Simply Bee, we use raw fynbos honey in most of our formulations. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it not only nourishes the skin but also helps to soothe and heal, making it perfect for natural skincare routines. Plus, the raw fynbos honey we harvest from South Africa’s unique Cape Floral Kingdom adds an extra layer of purity and sustainability to everything we offer.


Honey has been cherished for centuries for its sweetness and health benefits, and the process of its creation is a marvel of nature. In the case of Simply Bee, it comes from the Cape honey bee (Apis mellifera capensis), a species native to the West Coast of South Africa. These bees are vital to the biodiversity of the region, especially the unique Fynbos biome, which is part of the Cape Floral Kingdom.

The process of production begins when bees collect nectar from the diverse flowers found within the Fynbos. This nectar is stored in their stomachs and brought back to the hive, where it is passed to worker bees. The worker bees break down the nectar into simple sugars, and the evaporation process begins, turning it into thick, golden honey. Once ready, it is stored in honeycomb cells and sealed with beeswax to preserve it.

At Simply Bee, we follow traditional beekeeping methods to harvest honey directly from the hives, ensuring minimal disruption to the bees. Our approach prioritises the well-being of the bees and is rooted in responsible, sustainable practices. The raw fynbos honey we collect is rich in antioxidants and enzymes, making it a valuable ingredient in our skincare products. By using honey sourced with care, we bring you the purest, most natural honey for your skin and wellbeing.

Value-adds to Simply Bee products

Antioxidant Properties

Antibacterial and Antifungal

Moisturising Effects

Skin Repair

Natural Energy Source

Soothing Irritation

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